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Entropion in cat

The entropion is inverting of the edges of the eyelids to inside. It is not typical for cats, but when it happens affects mostly lower eyelids.

Unlike the dog, hereditary entropion in young cats is unusual. Sometimes hereditary entropion was observed in breeds with short and round faces as Persian and Birman. Then there is affected the lower eyelid again.

Entropion in cats is more likely to develop later in life due to other changes around the eyes. One of the most common cause is a spasm of the eyelids, which is associated with pain from corneal injury or prolonged untreated conjunctivitis. In adult cats with herpes virus infections can be unlocked causes of this problem.

The entropion can develop secondary when the eye moves back into the orbit (enophthalmos) or when shrink as a result of severe trauma or infection. Sometimes entropion may develop as a result of loss of normal neurological function of the eyelids.

The entropion may occur alone or may be accompanied by other problems such as ectopic eye lashes, corneal ulcers, the formation of scars as a result of various injuries, conjunctivitis. Because the entropion is active contraction of the eyelids, the hair of the affected eyelid constantly rub against the cornea. This can lead to significant discomfort and trauma to the cornea.

The entropion affects mostly the outer part of the lower eyelid of one or both eyes. Rarely can be affected upper eyelids. In brachycephalic breed and breeds Birman prejudice most often those parts of the lower eyelids that are close to the nose.

What to pay attention

  • Lacrimation
  • Rubbing eyes
  • The collection of a large amount of discharge from the eyes
  • Redness and swelling of the conjunctiva
  • Inverting eyelids and wet hair around the eyelids


The diagnosis of entropion is done after a thorough eye examination.

  • Assess the position of the eyelid before and after the application of a local anesthetic.
  • Fluorescein dye is used to detect any injury to the cornea, which may be present due to the constant rubbing of eyelashes in the cornea. Fluorescein retained in the damaged areas and it turns bright green.
  • There are examinated and other components of the eye in order to determine the underlying cause of entropion
  • In some cats is recommended to test for herpesvirus, which is carried out with a sample taken from the eye using a special pad.


In cats with hereditary entropion and in cats with secondary (acquired) entropion is needed surgery for eyelid turning in a normal position. (The case of Lachko). Excessive correction could have serious consequences (eyelid will move too passive or can not be closed completely). Both complications can lead to inflammation of the cornea and may require surgery or administration of ophthalmic drugs for life.

  • Sometimes you may need re-operation of entropion if there are still irritation of the cornea and inflammation of the conjunctiva, which leading to signs of spasm.
  • Before resorting to surgery it is required to treat the underlying disease of the cornea or conjunctiva. Sometimes with disappearance of pain and healing corneal ulcer is possible spastic entropion to go away.
  • Sometimes there is using of certain auxiliary procedures in order to minimize contact with the cornea of ​​the eyelids. Such options are placing temporary stitches of eyelid and placement of temporary contact lens. The stitches usually remain in place around 7-10 days or until the problem with painful cornea is controlled. Contact lens provides transparent dressing over corneal ulcer and temporarily prevents friction of the hair on the cornea. If, despite these measures, the entropion is still there it is  recommended correction by surgery.
  • The most commonly used surgical technique for correction of entropion is the removal of an elliptical piece of skin from the eyelids which is close to the border with the eye. When the defect is sewn, the skin pulls the eyelid and they invert  out. The aim of the operation is eyelid to return to its normal position and not rubbing the hair with the cornea.

Home care and prevention

Home care related to entropion usually involve medication to healing of the cornea. After surgery, your cat is sent home with a special protective collar because if she wants to rub her eyes, it will compromise the operation. We recommend that you keep this collar for possible future interventions. Watch often cat’s eye and make sure that there is no excessive tearing or pain. Frequent checkups are necessary to be sure that the eyes are treated properly.

Sometimes are prescribed topical antibiotics. We encourage you to apply these medications exactly as directed by your veterinarian and contact him if you have any additional any questions. Stitches are typically removed after 10-14 days.