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Interesting cases and articles

Feline Idiopathic Cystitis (FIC) (article)

Studies suggest that feline idiopathic cystitis results from complex interactions involving the bladder, nervous system, and adrenal glands and that..

Histiocytosis – the case of Teres

Overview of  histiocytic disease in the dog Diseases which originate from histiocytic proliferation range from benign self-limiting lesions to malignant,..

Alopecia X

Alopecia X is a cosmetic dermatological problem that occurs in breeds with plush fur (Pomeranian , Alaska Malamute , Chow..

Dog and cat with mastocytoma

Buck is 16-years-old bologna dog that came in veterinary clinic “Sofia” complaint that over the right upper lip appeared nodule..

Stem cell therapy in injury radial nerve in cat

Naida was found on the street and brought to our clinic with a dull trauma of the abdomen, elbow bent..

Surgical treatment of feline entropium

This is the case of Lachko. He  is a cat of eight years and came to our clinic with a..