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Price List

Primary examination 25 BGN
Each subsequent examination 15 BGN
Consultation/Second opinion25 BGN
Specialized examination /orthopedic, neurological etc./30-40BGN
Examination in non-business hours30 BGN
Year vaccine 55 BGN
Vaccines Intervet, Merial - all55 BGN
Vaccine Pure Vax RCP 60 BGN
Vaccine Pure Vax FeLV50 BGN
Vaccine Pure Vax RCPCHFeLV 75 BGN
A vaccine for rabbits Pestorin and Castorex30 BGN
A vaccine for rabies (mono)40 BGN
A vaccine for rabies Pure Vax 50 BGN
A vaccine for kennel cough (CC)55 BGN
Issuance of a standard passport10 BGN
Issuance /renewal European Union pet passport25 BGN
Inserting a microchip 55 BGN

All vaccine procedures include primary examination

Outwardly5-10 BGN
Internal10-15 BGN
Externally with detergent /fipronil spray/10-30 BGN
Removing a mite15 BGN

The price of the procedure does not include cost of the medicament

Hospitalization up to 4 hrs20-40 BGN
Hospitalization up to 12 hrs40-90 BGN
Hospitalization up to 24 hrs50-120 BGN
Emergency care at entrance50-100 BGN
Intensive care for 12-hour block 80-160 BGN
Oxygen supply /per hour/10 BGN
Emergency resuscitation in cardiopulmonary block:
- small dogs/ cats
- medium dogs
- large dogs
50-80 BGN
80-100 BGN
100-150 BGN
Blood transfusion - whole blood, dog150-300 BGN
Blood transfusion - whole blood, cat100-200 BGN
Inserting a nasal catheter oxygen supply10-30 BGN
Placing a central venous catheter80-100 BGN
Placing a chest tube80-120 BGN
Inserting peripheral venous catheter15-20 BGN
System - bank 20 BGN
System - bank - infusion pomp30 BGN
Colloid /5 ml/1 BGN
Fluids subcutaneously 30-50 BGN
Fluid with an infusion pump /without medication/25 BGN
Subcutaneous/ intramuscular injection5 BGN
Intravenous injection10 BGN
Giving medication orally10-15 BGN
Blood collection15-20 BGN
Doppler measurement of blood pressure30 BGN
Measurement of inside eye pressure /one eye/15 BGN
Schirmer’s test for lacrimal secretion /one eye/20 BGN
Florescine test /one eyes/20 BGN
Inhalation /twice a day/40 BGN
Bandage/ splint - Level 130-40 BGN
Bandage/ splint - Level 240-50 BGN
Bandage/ splint - Level 350-70 BGN
Bandage/ splint - Level 470-90 BGN
Cleaning the ears20-40 BGN
Cleaning the anal glands 20-30 BGN
Washing the anal glands30-50 BGN
Washing the prepuce/ vagina20 BGN
Cutting the nails 15 BGN
Cutting teeth 30 BGN
Suture removal15-30 BGN
Washing ears * 30-80 BGN
Removal of foreign body from the paw *20-50 BGN
Removal of foreign body from ear * 20-50 BGN
Removal of foreign body from nose * 50-80 BGN
Removal of foreign body from the eye * 20-50 BGN
Processing of abscess * 50-80 BGN
Processing abscess - rabbit * 50-80 BGN
Cystocentesis 20-40 BGN
Inserting urinary catheter of male 30 BGN
Inserting urinary catheter of female 40 BGN
Enema - dog 40-80 BGN
Enema - cat40-60 BGN
Puncture of the joint 30-60 BGN
Abdominocentesis - diagnostic40 BGN
Abdominocentesis - therapeutic 80-100 BGN
Thoracentesis - diagnostic 40 BGN
Thoracentesis - therapeutic 60-100 BGN
Pericardiocentesis 100-200 BGN
Cleaning of tartar with scaler - first degree * 80 BGN
Cleaning of tartar with scaler - second degree *90 BGN
Cleaning of tartar with scaler - third degree *100 BGN
Cleaning of tartar with scaler - fourth degree * 110 BGN
Polishing teeth after tartar cleaning *20-50 BGN
Extraction of milk canine teeth *80-100 BGN
Extraction of milk canine teeth /surgical method/ *100-200 BGN
Extraction of milk tooth *20-50 BGN
Extraction of permanent tooth /surgical method/ *50-100 BGN
Extraction of permanent tooth *20-30 BGN
Extraction of permanent tooth /surgical method/ *20-50 BGN
Gingival plastics in gingival hyperplasia *50-200 BGN
Gingival plastics in periodontal therapy *50-100 BGN
Subgingival curettage in periodontal cavities *30-100 BGN
Coronal amputation in FORL *50-100 BGN
Antiseptic treatment of oral cavity *20-50 BGN
Cutting teeth - rodents *20-40 BGN

The price of the procedure does not include the cost of a peripheral venous catheter insertion and anesthesia

Sedation30-50 BGN
Induction - Propofol /1 ml/15 BGN
Induction - D/K /1 ml/10 BGN
Epidural anesthesia with Lidocaine 30-70 BGN
Epidural anesthesia with Bupivacaine40-90 BGN
Placement of an epidural catheter70 BGN
Local anesthesia 30 BGN
Venous anesteziya - monitoring/ hour30-50 BGN
Inhalation anesthesia /hour/100 BGN
Anesthesia exotic animals
- Muscle
- Venous
30 BGN
40 BGN
Full package preoperative tests /CBC, Biochemistry - 6 indicators, blood pressure/ *35 BGN
Antisedan /„quick awakening“/ *20-50 BGN
Postoperative analgesia with NSAIDs *20 BGN
Postoperative analgesia with opioids *40 BGN
Epidural analgesia with Lidocaine *30 BGN

* The price of the procedure does not include cost of the medicament

Skin wounds - 1st degree 120 BGN
Skin wounds - 2nd degree 130 BGN
Skin wounds - 3rd degree 150 BGN
Skin wounds - 4th degree 180 BGN
Skin wounds - plastic 200-300 BGN
Removal of skin tumors - 1st degree 150 BGN
Removal of skin tumors - 2nd degree 200 BGN
Removal of skin tumors - 3rd degree 250 BGN
Removal of skin tumors - 4th degree 300-400 BGN
Cryosurgical removal of benign and malignant skin formations80-120 BGN
Umbilical hernia250 BGN
Inguinal, femoral and scrotal hernia 350 BGN
Traumatic hernia/ eventration 380 BGN
Perineal hernia 450 BGN
Perineal tumors 400 BGN
Correction of prolapse of the rectum:
- No necrosis
- With necrosis
250-300 BGN
300-400 BGN
Diagnostic laparotomy dog300 BGN
Diagnostic laparotomy cat230 BGN
Splenectomy dog650 BGN
Splenectomy cat 470 BGN
Gastrotomy580 BGN
Enterotomy580 BGN
Enteroanastomosis650 BGN
Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus (GDV)
Surgical treatment of peritonitis 200-400 BGN
Hepatic lobectomy N
Cystotomy300 BGN
Inserting a cystotome catheter150-250 BGN
Removal of stones from bladder450 BGN
Scrotum urethrostomy dog600 BGN
Perineal urethrostomy cat500 BGN
Vaginal hyperplasia300-400 BGN
Vaginal tumors400-500 BGN
Testicular tumors350 BGN
Prolapse of the vagina/ penis350 BGN
Phimosis/ Paraphimosis350 BGN
Extirpation of a kidney
Castration of male dog up to 10 kg 150 BGN
Castration of male dog from 11 to 20 kg 160 BGN
Castration of male dog from 21 to 40 kg190 BGN
Castration of male dog over 40 kg 240 BGN
Castration of female dog up to 15 kg 190 BGN
Castration of female dog from 15 to 25 kg210 BGN
Castration of female dog from 25 to 40 kg260 BGN
Castration of female dog over 40 kg300 BGN
Castration of male cat(final price)140 BGN
Neutering a female cat(finale price)230 BGN
Castration of cryptorchid /labor only/250-400 BGN
Cesarean section - dog650 BGN
Caesarean section - cat450 BGN
Pyometra - dog500 BGN
Pyometra - cat350 BGN
Mastectomy - dog600 BGN
Mastectomy - cat450 BGN

The price of castration procedures does not include cost of an anesthesia, preoperative studies, a peripheral venous catheter insertion and medicaments

Plastics palate 250-300 BGN
Plastics soft palate 300-350 BGN
Oronasal fistula 230-330 BGN
Removal of gingival tumors/and epulis/ 250-350 BGN
Correction entropium / ektropium - unilaterally250-300 BGN
Cherry eyе400 BGN
Corneal ulcer - conjunctival paw 250-300 BGN
Sewing eyelids /third/250 BGN
Corneal foreign body 250-300 BGN
Surgical removal of ectopic cilia 200-280 BGN
Perforating cornea250-350 BGN
Tumors of the eyelids 230-300 BGN
Proptosis of the eyeball 300-350 BGN
Enucleation400 BGN
Otohematoma350 BGN
Healing ear cutting
Plastics of nostrils 200-300 BGN
Tracheostomy - temporary100-250 BGN
Diaphragmatic hernia 400-800 BGN
Fractures of the finger
Fracture - metacarpus - dog/ cat
Fracture - metatarsus - dog/ cat
Simphysiodesis of lower jaw
Osteotomy of the femoral head
Fractures of the lower jaw
Fractures of the upper jaw
Fractures - carpametacarpal
Fractures - tarsus
Fractures - ulna
Montego fracture
Fractures - radius
Fractures - humerus
Fractures – scapula:
- body and crest
- cervix
- joint /glenoid/
Fracture - tibia/ femur
Femoral neck or intercondillar /joint/
Fracture - pelvis: Ilium - screws, cerclage
Fracture - pelvis: Ilium - plate, bone cement
Fracture - pelvis: Acetabulum
Fracture - pelvis: Ilium and acetabulum
Fracture - pelvis: Sacroiliac separation
Fractures of the ribs, chest lid
Simphysiodesis pelvis /corrective osteotomy/
Dislocation of hip - closed adjusting
Dislocation of hip - operational adjustments
Dislocation of the tarsus - artificial links
Torn Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL): artificial link:
- 15 kg patient
- patients over 15 kg
- patients over 50 kg
- with meniscectomy
Dislocation of the patella
Restoration of tendons
Dislocation of the elbow joint - closed adjusting
Dislocation of the elbow joint - operational adjustments
Pancarpal arthrodesis - carpametacarpal joint
Partially arthrodesis - carpametacarpal joint
Pantarzal arthrodesis - tarsus
Partially arthrodesis - tarsus
Elbow arthrodesis
Amputation of a finger
Amputation of chest/ pelvic limb - cat
Amputation of chest/ pelvic limb - dog

The price of the orthopedic surgeries may vary according to the complexity of the procedures, the duration of the anesthesia and the choice of implants

Myelography /using foreign X-ray/
Ventral slot
Dorsal laminectomy
Vertebral fractures
Compression fractures using bone cement
Korpektomy with stabilization
Complete blood count28 BGN
Biochemical indicators /1 indicator/8 BGN
Standard panel /CBC + Bioch. - 8 indicators/65 BGN
Expanded panel /CBC + complete Bioch./80 BGN
Preoperative panel /CBC + Bioch. - 6 indicators/ 45 BGN
Preoperative blood clotting time15 BGN
Collecting cerebrospinal fluid
Blood smear - differential blood count /DBC/ 30 BGN
Counting of reticulocytes40 BGN
Agglutination test 15 BGN
Morphological analysis of erythrocytes30 BGN
Analysis of Anemia /CBC, DBC, protein, reticulocytes,
morphology of erythrocytes, agglutination test, number and
morphology of platelets/
150 BGN
Counting of platelets 15 BGN
Glucose with glucometer 15 BGN
Glucose curve50-100 BGN
Urine examination - test strip and refractometer20 BGN
Urine examination - sediment 20 BGN
Urine examination - cytology40 BGN
Fecal examination - native
20 BGN
Fecal examination - coproovoscopy40 BGN
Cytology /Hemacolor and Wright-Giemsa/
30-60 BGN
Pathohistological examination abroad150-250 BGN
Skin sample 25 BGN
Culture for dermatophytes 40 BGN
Cross - match test for blood transfusion 30 BGN
Serological tests group 1: parvo, distemper, feline leukemia, FeCoV, brucellosis, heartworm (dog and cat), toxoplasmosis, leptospirosis
35 BGN
Serological tests group 2: FiV/FeLV, CDV/CiV, CPV/CCV45 BGN
Serological tests group 3: CPV/ CCV/ Giardia, (Felicheck) FIV/ FeLV / Heartworm cat/, 4 D /anaploasma, erlichia, lyme disease and heartworm/55 BGN
Serological tests group 4: test FPL IDEXX
Fine needle aspiration 80 BGN
Biopsy /ultrasound guided/ 60 BGN
Bone marrow biopsy 100 BGN
Surgical biopsy80-100 BGN
Interpretation of radiographs 20 BGN
Ultrasound - abdominal organs 40-50 BGN
Screening abdominal ultrasonography 30 BGN

* The price depends of the patient’s weight and whether the luxation is single or double
The price of all certificates includes specialized orthopedic examination 

Cat100 BGN
Dog160 BGN

Find all prices for our grooming procedures on this page.

Cat Hotel25 BGN/ 24 hours